My Name is Jess Herrera. My art name is Herrerasaurus, It is a real dinosaur!
I'm a freelance 3D character artist based in Australia.
I love doing anything and everything characters and their worlds they live in!
Hit me up for any Jobs or Collaborations! I work remotely with people all around the world, no time zone will stop me!
Cinema 4D | Maya | Substance | Octane | Redshift | Vray | After Effects
Design | Model | Rig | Animate | Texture | Light
Press and Interviews:
2021: Rocket Lasso Live Podcast
2020: Motion Hatch Podcast
2020: 3D Motion Design Show Speaker
2020: School of Motion Discussion
2019: Mograph.com Podcast
2019: School of Motion Article
2019: Nodefest Speaker
2019: SIGGRAPH Speaker
2019: Pro Video Podcast
2018: Nodefest Ident Winner
Some Selected Clients/Studios:
Micrososoft, Apple, Google, Spotify, Logitech,
Moth, Oddfellows, Buck, Brikk, Blink Ink and many more!